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Heide Mann

aka Ilse Lindahl More info on her aliases

Heide Mann alias list:
Ilse Lindahl
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About Heide Mann

Heide Mann was a British-born Penthouse model. She was born on January 18, 1951 in Surrey, United Kingdom. During her modeling career, she was sometimes credited as Heidi Pickelmann, Heidi Wild, Ilse Lindahl, Angela Forte, and Maria Varesti.

Heide Mann was chosen as Penthouse Pet of the Month in October 1970. Heide was 19 years old when she was honored with the prestigious title of Penthouse Pet. Her measurements are 36-24-35. Heide Mann has charming brown eyes, honey blond hair, and natural breasts.

She was photographed by Bob Guccione. The article from 1974 claims that she died as a consequence of drug abuse in 1972, but her photos continued to appear on magazine covers after that.

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How did she pass, so early?

Posted by drusus 2024-08-17 00:44  

Reply to

drug abuse according to this article
it also seems that she was born in the United Kingdom

Posted by lingerierobust 2024-10-13 23:27