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Jeana Tomasino

aka Jeana Keough More info on her aliases

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Jeana Keough
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About Jeana Tomasino

Jeana Tomasino (born Jean Myers on September 18, 1955 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin). Tomasino graduated from Whitnall High School located in Greenfield, Wisconsin in 1972. When she was younger, she worked as a nude model and actress, most famously in a number of videos for ZZ Top. Tomasino was also a Playboy magazine Playmate of the Month in November 1980.

Currently known as Jeana Ellen Keough, Tomasino is a real estate salesperson in Aliso Viejo, California and a former cast member of the reality show The Real Housewives of Orange County.

Playboy Playmate: November 1980

Jeana Tomasino Performances

Solo: Nudity (Full)

Jeana Tomasino Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

Insanely hot woman. She still looks good.

Posted by Oosquai 2024-07-15 21:55  

I wanna fuck you so bad

Posted by burnsiefan84 2024-02-21 08:34  

She was lovely in the ZZ Top videos, and belonged naked, displayed for the pleasures of males.

Posted by drusus 2021-08-22 01:01