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Shauna Sand

aka Shauna Sand Lamas / Shauna Sandler More info on her aliases

Shauna Sand alias list:
Shauna Sand Lamas
Shauna Sandler - Real name
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About Shauna Sand

She has posed for 12 covers, 8 photosets, and 4 videos.

Playboy Playmate: May 1996

She began modeling at the age of nine. Sand began her acting career with a guest appearance on the TV show Renegade. She appeared in TV shows such as Charmed, and in movies such as the comedy The Deviants. Sand starred in Shauna Exposed, released by Vivid Entertainment.

Shauna Sand Photos (Uploaded By Our Users)

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User comments

A prime of example of trying to be more than she was. She was fine in moderation, but when overpublicized and overly made-up, degenerated into insignificance. Good riddance.

Posted by drusus 2021-09-13 18:27  

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Yes, and she had sex with Lorenzo Lamas' son, AJ, from his second marriage. She's a harlot.

Posted by JStovall 2024-08-13 23:03  


Posted by SuperDave 2020-08-09 19:56  

very hot

Posted by azeri98 2020-05-23 17:52