Babes celebrating their birthday on February 13

We have 143 babes with their birthday on this day - Showing page 2 of 2

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Sarah GraceSarah Grace
Celebrating her 43rd birthday on February 13 of this year
Mei AmasakiMei Amasaki
Celebrating her 38th birthday on February 13 of this year
Kashma MaharajKashma Maharaj
Celebrating her 44th birthday on February 13 of this year
Milan SterlingMilan Sterling
Celebrating her 49th birthday on February 13 of this year
Gabriela VicenteGabriela Vicente
Celebrating her 25th birthday on February 13 of this year
Aico LombanaAico Lombana
Celebrating her 34th birthday on February 13 of this year
Misty ReganMisty Regan
Celebrating her 62nd birthday on February 13 of this year
Wanda PerdelwitzWanda Perdelwitz
Celebrating her 41st birthday on February 13 of this year
Joan EdwardsJoan Edwards
Born in 1919 and died at the age of 62 in 1981
Kristina BesmanKristina Besman
Celebrating her 29th birthday on February 13 of this year
Ellen HightEllen Hight
Celebrating her 44th birthday on February 13 of this year
Bella CamposBella Campos
Celebrating her 27th birthday on February 13 of this year
Carmen MundtCarmen Mundt
Celebrating her 27th birthday on February 13 of this year
Susan OliverSusan Oliver
Born in 1932 and died at the age of 58 in 1990
Sarah Grant BrendeckeSarah Grant Brendecke
Celebrating her 41st birthday on February 13 of this year
Mia LingMia Ling
Celebrating her 25th birthday on February 13 of this year
Sofia AragonSofia Aragon
Celebrating her 31st birthday on February 13 of this year
Olesya FattakhovaOlesya Fattakhova
Celebrating her 36th birthday on February 13 of this year
Celebrating her 45th birthday on February 13 of this year
Stockard ChanningStockard Channing
Celebrating her 81st birthday on February 13 of this year
Simona BurbaiteSimona Burbaite
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on February 13 of this year
Giuditta LualdiGiuditta Lualdi
Celebrating her 30th birthday on February 13 of this year
Carolin Von Der GroebenCarolin Von Der Groeben
Celebrating her 30th birthday on February 13 of this year
Dorothy Di FrassoDorothy Di Frasso
Born in 1888 and died at the age of 65 in 1954
Anny RomaineAnny Romaine
Celebrating her 28th birthday on February 13 of this year
Kasumi ArimuraKasumi Arimura
Celebrating her 32nd birthday on February 13 of this year
Celebrating her 42nd birthday on February 13 of this year
Chyna WhyteChyna Whyte
Celebrating her 39th birthday on February 13 of this year
Denise AustinDenise Austin
Celebrating her 68th birthday on February 13 of this year
Krystsina YagubovaKrystsina Yagubova
Celebrating her 29th birthday on February 13 of this year
Belle (Scoreland)Belle (Scoreland)
Celebrating her 49th birthday on February 13 of this year
Kylie Alexa HenryKylie Alexa Henry
Celebrating her 28th birthday on February 13 of this year
Dorothy MathewsDorothy Mathews
Born in 1912 and died at the age of 65 in 1977
Bebe LefluorBebe Lefluor
Celebrating her 31st birthday on February 13 of this year
Jean JitomirJean Jitomir
Celebrating her 29th birthday on February 13 of this year
Paige BucaloPaige Bucalo
Celebrating her 33rd birthday on February 13 of this year
Rachel LuvRachel Luv
Celebrating her 46th birthday on February 13 of this year
Amber NewmanAmber Newman
Celebrating her 49th birthday on February 13 of this year
Sara MaySara May
Celebrating her 44th birthday on February 13 of this year
Jean JenningsJean Jennings
Born in 1957 and died at the age of 54 in 2011
Margherita VicarioMargherita Vicario
Celebrating her 37th birthday on February 13 of this year
Petra EPetra E
Celebrating her 35th birthday on February 13 of this year
Lhea BernardinoLhea Bernardino
Celebrating her 31st birthday on February 13 of this year

This page uses the Europe/Helsinki timezone to determine the birthdays, where the current date is January 3 and time is 4:24 PM. If this is not your timezone and you wish to change it, you can do so on the account options page.

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