Babes born in the year 1974(Page 5)

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Enie Van De MeiklokjesEnie Van De Meiklokjes
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 1st of August
Esther De JongEsther De Jong
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 16th of May
Eva DionisioEva Dionisio
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 3rd of March
Ever CarradineEver Carradine
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 6th of August
Fani KolarovaFani Kolarova
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 25th of February
Fay MastersonFay Masterson
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 15th of April
Flame DivaFlame Diva
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 15th of March
Flavie FlamentFlavie Flament
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 2nd of July
Florentine LahmeFlorentine Lahme
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 21st of July
Fun CharlieFun Charlie
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 8th of December
Genevieve GorderGenevieve Gorder
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 26th of July
Georgette NealeGeorgette Neale
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 16th of November
Gerbel MikkGerbel Mikk
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 4th of November
Gina EverettGina Everett
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 27th of October
Gina ViceGina Vice
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 30th of November
Gina YashereGina Yashere
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 6th of April
Giovanna MezzogiornoGiovanna Mezzogiorno
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 9th of November
Giulia SiegelGiulia Siegel
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 10th of November
Giuliana RancicGiuliana Rancic
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 17th of August
Giulianna LemmeGiulianna Lemme
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 26th of October
Goca TrzanGoca Trzan
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 8th of July
Gretha CavazzoniGretha Cavazzoni
Celebrated her 51st birthday on 1st of January
Guilhermina GuinleGuilhermina Guinle
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 26th of July
Gypsy VixenGypsy Vixen
Celebrated her 51st birthday on 1st of January
Hana CernaHana Cerna
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 17th of May
Hanako AsadaHanako Asada
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 15th of June
Harumi InoueHarumi Inoue
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 23rd of September
Heather ElleHeather Elle
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 29th of March
Heather TomHeather Tom
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 4th of November
Helen HongHelen Hong
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 7th of July
Helen VolgaHelen Volga
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 15th of September
Helena ResanoHelena Resano
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 9th of February
Hitomi KataseHitomi Katase
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 2nd of May
Honor FraserHonor Fraser
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 18th of December
Hope WellsHope Wells
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 26th of June
India FisherIndia Fisher
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 10th of September
Inma Del MoralInma Del Moral
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 3rd of April
Iris KyleIris Kyle
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 22nd of August
Isabella OrsiniIsabella Orsini
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 2nd of December
Itziar ItunoItziar Ituno
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 18th of June
Jackie TefertillerJackie Tefertiller
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 21st of May
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 1st of February
Jama WilliamsonJama Williamson
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 12th of March
Jana KorbasovaJana Korbasova
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 20th of March
Jana StefankovaJana Stefankova
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 17th of June
Jana TodorovicJana Todorovic
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 15th of March
Jeanette JenkinsJeanette Jenkins
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 18th of September
Jen CassettyJen Cassetty
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 12th of November
Jennifer FaucetJennifer Faucet
Celebrated her 51st birthday on 1st of January
Jennifer LienJennifer Lien
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 24th of August
Jennifer NettlesJennifer Nettles
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 12th of September
Jennifer Siebel NewsomJennifer Siebel Newsom
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 19th of June
Jerica FoxJerica Fox
Passed away at the age of 25 on December 25, 1999
Joana RomainJoana Romain
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 2nd of September
Jody BroderJody Broder
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 7th of May
Johanna SallstromJohanna Sallstrom
Passed away at the age of 32 on February 13, 2007
Jolie JenkinsJolie Jenkins
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 7th of March
Jordan McKnightJordan McKnight
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 7th of April
Joy BryantJoy Bryant
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 18th of October
Joy KissJoy Kiss
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 30th of December
Joyce De TrochJoyce De Troch
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 2nd of July
Judith CanapeJudith Canape
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 9th of November
Julia KoschitzJulia Koschitz
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 26th of December
Julia TcherneiJulia Tchernei
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 13th of January
Julie BourassaJulie Bourassa
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 28th of March
Julie SimoneJulie Simone
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 19th of February
Junko KawadaJunko Kawada
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 22nd of November
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 5th of August
Kamilla SenjoKamilla Senjo
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 1st of November
Karen HeinrichsKaren Heinrichs
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 31st of March
Karina SenkKarina Senk
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 12th of July
Karine Jean-PierreKarine Jean-Pierre
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 13th of August
Karisma KapoorKarisma Kapoor
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 25th of June
Kata HegelyKata Hegely
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 10th of May
Katrina Laverne TaylorKatrina Laverne Taylor
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 3rd of December
Katy Zora JonesKaty Zora Jones
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 1st of August
Kayla Mae MaloneyKayla Mae Maloney
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 16th of January
Kei MizutaniKei Mizutani
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 7th of May
Keisha MorrisKeisha Morris
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 10th of July
Kelia BlockKelia Block
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 17th of July
Kelli AliKelli Ali
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 30th of June
Kelli SparksKelli Sparks
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 12th of March
Kidada JonesKidada Jones
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 22nd of March
Kim SasaboneKim Sasabone
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 1st of April
Kiran ChetryKiran Chetry
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 26th of August
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 8th of April
Kristen ZangKristen Zang
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 22nd of June
Kristin BoothKristin Booth
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 28th of August
Kristin KerryKristin Kerry
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 15th of November
Kseniya RappoportKseniya Rappoport
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 25th of March
La TigraLa Tigra
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 6th of November
Lady ConstanzaLady Constanza
Celebrated her 51st birthday on 1st of January
Lalainia LindbjergLalainia Lindbjerg
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 3rd of September
Laura DrasbaekLaura Drasbaek
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 22nd of December
Laura DunnwaldLaura Dunnwald
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 2nd of May
Laura FrancoLaura Franco
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 21st of October
Laura MeganLaura Megan
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 7th of May
Laurie FortierLaurie Fortier
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 25th of February
Leah CairnsLeah Cairns
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 2nd of June
Lecy GoransonLecy Goranson
Celebrating her 51st birthday on 22nd of June

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